Regular Expressions function in SQL

Regular Expression belongs to search pattern, used in SQL query for helping in search of a specific pattern in column data. Oracle SQL supports regular expressions with the pattern-matching condition and functions

Search pattern may be difficult. It helps to find.
This regular expression matches any string that begins with either s or ss, followed by qq, optionally followed by s, followed by the colon (:).
pipe symbol(|) indicates a choice between the data from either side of it. ( s | aa) choose either s or aa.
question mark (?) indicates that the preceding element, s, is optional

Following are the function present in Oracle SQL:

REGEXP_LIKE Condition that can appear in the WHERE clause of a query, causing the query to return rows that match the given pattern.
This WHERE clause identifies employees with the first name of Steven or Stephen:
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE((hr.employees.first_name, '^Ste(v|ph)en$')

REGEXP_COUNT Function that returns the number of times the given pattern appears in the given string.
Function returns the number of times that e (but not E) appears in the string ‘Albert Einstein’, starting at character position 7. last c column specify case sensitive
REGEXP_COUNT('Albert Einstein', 'e', 7, 'c')

REGEXP_INSTR Function that returns an integer that indicates the starting position of the given pattern in the given string.
This function invocation returns the starting position of the first valid email address in the column hr.employees.email
REGEXP_INSTR(hr.employees.email, '\w+@\w+(\.\w+)+')
If the returned value is greater than zero, then the column contains a valid email address.

REGEXP_REPLACE Function that returns the string that results from replacing occurrences of the given pattern in the given string with a replacement string.
This function invocation puts a space after each character in the column hr.countries.country_name:
REGEXP_REPLACE(hr.countries.country_name, '(.)', '\1 ')

REGEXP_SUBSTR Function returns the matching substring itself.
This function invocation returns ‘Oracle’ because the x option ignores the spaces in the pattern:
REGEXP_SUBSTR('Oracle 2010', 'O r a c l e', 1, 1, 'x')

Pattern Matching Option

i Case insensitive Matching
c case sensitive matching
n allow the dot(.) operator for matching new line character. E.g. REGEXP_SUBSTR(‘a’||CHR(10)||’d’, ‘a.d’, 1, 1, ‘n’)
Note: CHR(10) is for newline char
m allow multiline mode, string contain multiple lines. E.g. REGEXP_SUBSTR(‘ab’||CHR(10)||’ac’, ‘^a.’, 1, 2,’m’)
x Ignores whitespace characters in the string. REGEXP_SUBSTR(‘Oracle’, ‘O r a c l e’, 1, 1, ‘x’)

Example: you can use both option as show below:
Note: i for case insenstive and x for white space removal.

SQL> select REGEXP_SUBSTR('Oracle', 'o r a cle', 1, 1, 'ix') from dual;
-- Remove the case insensitive i then it return blank.
SQL> select REGEXP_SUBSTR('The Oracle', 'o ra cle', 1, 1, 'x') from dual;

Operator meaning
. – means matching any character in database including newline like a.b find abc, adb, afb etc but not bcb or bdb.
+ – means matching one or more occurrence of preceding expression. like a+ find a, aa, aaaa etc but not ba or ab.
* – means matching zero or more occurrence of preceding expression. like ab*c find ac,abc,abbbc etc but not abd or abk.
? – means matching zero or one occurrence of preceding expression. like ab?c find ac and abc but not abbc or adc.
{m} – means matching exact occurrence of preceding expression. like a{3} find aaa but not aa.
{m,} – means matching at least m occurrence of preceding expression. like a{3,} find aaa and aaaa but not aa.
{m,n} – means matching m occurrence but not more than n. like a{3,4} find aaa and aaaa but not aaaaa or aa.
[char…] – means matching any single character in string like [abc] first character find all, bill, cold but not doll.
[^char…] – means not matching any single character in string for selected position. like [^ab] first character should but not be a or b.
\ – means treat operator character as a literal. like abc\+def with slash(\) you can use + sign as data.
^ – means matches begin of line with the string. like ^def matches the starting string defghi but not abcdef.
$ – means matches one of line with string. like def$ matches the ending string abcdef but not defghi.
\d – means matching the digit character like ^\(\d{3}\) is (550) but not 550.
\D – means match with non digit character like \d\D is 4b or 3_ but not 22.
\w – means matches with a world character like \w+@\w+(\.\w+)+ is sunny@gmail.com but not sunny@gmail.
\W – means matches a non world character like \w+\W\s\w+ matches the string to: bill but does not match to bill
\s – means matches a white space like \(\w\s\w\s\) is ( a b ) but not match (ab) or (a,b.)
\S – means matches a non white space character like \(\w\S\w\S\) is (abde) and (a,b.) but not match (a b d e)

Example of using the Regular Expression operator:

Check the phone number in particular format:

(REGEXP_LIKE (p_number, '^\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}$'))